Empty Nesters
My husband Russ is thrilled that we’re empty nesters now, wants to change the locks, and doesn’t understand why I’m sad the kids are...
Back to School Shopping
I have a tale of woe from my own personal experience regarding back to school shopping I’d like to warn others about so nobody else epic...
Food at the Fair
It’s Harford Fair time fast approaching!! That means the end of summer, so you might as well blow your diet there at the fair. They say...
Nursery Rhymes
It’s hard to believe not only that nursery rhymes caught on, but they are considered classics having withstood the test of time! Doesn’t...
Camping Season
Camping season is upon us, and I really don’t really know why people love tent camping so much because staying at a campground is a lot...
Cars Always Hitting Deer
I’m trying to figure out why deer run out in front of our cars. If you notice it’s usually at night, a bunch of them are hanging out...
College Dorm Shopping
It’s college dorm shopping season! With a daughter, it’s typically an in-depth experience where you have check lists to make sure they’re...
Starter Homes
I do like to watch the shows where the home renovation experts help young couples who are just starting out by helping them pick a house...